Statement on President’s Treatment of Journalists During Coronavirus Briefings

Statement on President’s Treatment of Journalists During Coronavirus Briefings

Statement on President’s Treatment of Journalists During Coronavirus Briefings 


The National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) is appalled to watch recent press briefings where the president of the United States is referring to veteran journalists, like our member Yamiche Alcindor and other industry colleagues, as being “terrible journalists” and accusing them of asking “nasty questions.”


In a time where the entire world is looking for answers, it is the job of journalists to ask the hard and important questions, and it is the job of officials to answer them factually. Now more than ever, as we face the coronavirus pandemic together, citizens deserve facts. No journalist should be belittled or insulted for simply doing their job. We ask the president to treat all journalists fairly during this critical time and always.


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